Resident Testimonials

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These are the faces, experiences and people that make Gay & Lesbian Elder Housing and Triangle Square what it is – a dynamic landmark community of friends, leaders and neighbors that share this remarkable facility and have contributed to our society in unparalleled ways.

At Triangle Square a community of older adults aged 62 and over come together to live, laugh and learn by sharing their stories, the joys of life and their experiences as LGBT individuals. Click below to learn more about some of the residents who make up our GLEH community.

We have to be strong, to stand up and be who we are. This is what the home is about… being able to be ourselves.
resident since 2007
It’s a blessing to be here. It's a special and unique gay and lesbian senior center in the country.
resident since 2007
If I get a space in the building, I would think that all of the things that I have worked so hard for in life would be fulfilled. That it would be a real fulfilling way for me to go to the end of my life.
resident since 2008
My heart has found a home, my sexuality is no longer a fear.
resident since 2007
By living here, I have the freedom to be who I am. As if I were in an entire Afro-American neighborhood.
resident since 2007
As a lesbian, not only is this a place to live, but as an elder it is also wonderful to hear the wealth of the talent, and our contributions to our various communities.
resident since 2007
I am so happy to be here. I really feel safe here. Safer than any place I have ever lived.
resident since 2007
We've never done this before in the whole United States of America... to have a place where elder gays and lesbians can go live and laugh and play and be safe.
resident since 2007
For me, the yellow brick road ends at Triangle Square... LUCKY ME!
resident since 2007
Fantastic location, in the heart of the Hollywood entertainment district, location, location, location! Love the pool, the gym, and all the folks that live here. It feels like family.
resident since 2007