If I get a space in the building, I would think that all of the things that I have worked so hard for in life would be fulfilled. That it would be a real fulfilling way for me to go to the end of my life.
resident since 2008

Housing Retention

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  • Place low-income and extremely low-income LGBT seniors in permanent long-term affordable housing environments and enhance their financial stability
  • Implement strategies to empower residents to maintain fiscal integrity, independence to ensure that they stay in their homes, independently as long as possible
  • Develop client-focused community resources (Medi-Cal/Medicare Section 8 rental assistance/ government assistance housing programs)

Objectives of the Program

  • Housing retention case management
  • Budgeting and financial planning, utilities, food assistance programs
  • Benefits counseling workshops, utilities, food assistance programs
  • Assist and link individuals with resources (legal etc.) to prevent homelessness
  • Assessing behavior, developing a plan with ongoing follow-up

Develop Additional Low-income Housing Developments to Meet the Growing Demand


GLEH believes in the provision of housing first. Without a safe, secure living environment, individuals are less likely to take care of their physiological, nutritional and healthcare needs.

Among the 5.18 million households with the worst case housing needs, 1.13 million are elderly households. Low-income individuals find it much more difficult to gain access to stable housing and to retain the housing than their less troubled counterparts.

Are you a low-income LGBT older adult in need of affordable housing or social services? If so, complete the Housing and Services form to let us know you are interested.

Other Facets of the Comprehensive Housing Care Project Include:

Aging in Place Program

Our goal is to address key issues and concerns for LGBT elders to live independently and optimize their mental health and well-being with dignity and respect.
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Health & Wellness Program

Our goal is to maintain optimal physical fitness of residents to increase function, prevent overall health decline and social isolation of LGBT elders.
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